Tthe introduction of Vertical Cuttings Dryer Made by Brightway

As our industry evolves, we are faced with increasing responsibility to protect the environment in which we operate.Brightway Concurrently, government agencies continue to increase pressure toward achieving these goals by placing stringent effluent limitations on the discharge of contaminated drill cuttings to the environment.Brightway To support the goals of both the industry and regulators, Brightway has developed a rugged and easy to use Vertical Cuttings Dryer (“VCD”).

Achieving Results
Typical linear motion shaker cuttings maintain a liquid content on average between 12% to 16%.Brightway When properly managed, Brightway’s VCD can lower the liquid content below 5%.Brightway This can be done while managing 40 tons (36,000 kilograms) per hour of drilling cuttings.


Brightway’s rugged, continuous VCD is fed via screw conveyor, vacuum system, or rotary-lobe solids pump from the flow-line shakers.Brightway Drill cuttings are fed into the hopper, and distributed along the inner wall of the screen with the aid of the rotor.Brightway The liquid phase, or “filtrate”, passes through the screen openings while the vertical scraper with sintered tungsten carbide tiles scrape the accumulating cake solids towards the bottom of the VCD for disposal. The filtrate gravity flows into a containment tank and pumped to a high speed decanter centrifuge.Brightway Upon discharge, the dried cuttings are then safely discharged to the environment, are collected for further treatment or off-site disposal.Brightway Brightway’s VCD significantly improves liquid phase recovery, thereby paying for itself.

Brightway’s VCD can be operated with soft start or with a variable frequency drive (“VFD”) controller.Brightway Soft starts can be provided within a NEMA 7X explosion-proof enclosure.Brightway VFD controls are provided in a NEMA 4X enclosure and include an operator-friendly human/machine interface (“HMI”) and programmable logic controller.Brightway Brightway’s in-house panel shop can customize your system, regardless of the application or the service conditions.