Mud cleaner is the second, three solid control equipment in drilling mud circulation system. It combines the desander, desilter and nderflow shale shaker into one. Drilling mud cleaner has compact structure, saving tank surface area occupied, easy to install, strong processing capacity and other characteristics of drilling mud were two, three ideal choice for efficient solids control equipment cleaner. It is mainly used to remove drilling fluid solid particles of 20 to 120μm, saving drilling, further drilling fluid centrifuge separation for subsequent harmful solid phase to provide good conditions, and it can effectively control the solid content drilling fluid, increase drilling speed, reservoir protection, especially in the deep stage play the role of desanding and desilting effectively.
The selection of the mud system in CBM and pipeline layout: When drilling in deep, underground accident in order to facilitate rapid processing, pipeline layout should enable rapid pumping of drilling pump in addition to the suction tank each tank drilling, adding funnel effluent can be conveyed to the suction tank and each tank, these rely on pipelines and valves to control. 2, mud gun (gun drilling): the role of mud gun is to rely on high-speed flow gun nozzles, the impact storage bottom mud deposited solid suspension. Meanwhile, when the agitator some downtime, buried sedimentary solid impeller needed to restart, gun drilling work could eliminate some of the drag torque stirrer startup, which provides a reliable guarantee for the normal operation of the stirrer. Drilling guns have high and low points, high pressure gun by a tributary of the drilling fluid supply pump discharge pressure rating of 4-6 MPa; low-pressure centrifugal sand pump gun for the fluid, pressure rating is 0.2 to 0.3 MPa. How much should be based on the number of configured agitator to decide. 3, adding to funnel.
In the mud system in CBM, place the drilling mud tanks and other shale shaker solid control unit needs settling, so take the maximum cycle time, while other storage tanks, and drilling mud pump tank should take the minimum, in order to ensure the stability of drilling fluid properties. Cycle time of 60s is usually taken as an agitator quantity basis.