Pyramid Shale Shaker Screen Feature

Pyramid shale shaker screen is used widely in the Shale Shaker,which is the first phase solids control equipment in oil and gas drilling. The Pyramid shale shaker screen is made of S.S304 steel and has Structure of unique wave forms.
We Know shaker screen is a vulnerable component of shale shaker in the process of drilling mud treatment. In general, the screen life is only about 7 days on average. Tranditional shale shaker screen structrue is plat and single-layer structrue. Pyramid Shale Shaker Screen combines the benefits of traditional flat, multi-layer screens and an increase capacity in fluid handling and long life. As compared to flat screens, pyramid screen have higher handling capacity by reason of more useful area. Pyramid screens effective filtration area of the wave network can reach 125 to 150 of the same specification flat screen. Therefore greatly enhance processing capacity.

Pyramid Shale Shaker Screen Feature
Pyramid Shale Shaker Screen

Besides, Pyramid Shale Shaker Screen is easy to install and Replace. Installation can be stroked or wedge clamping device of steel frame grid. According to customer requirements, Pyramid Shale Shaker Screen manufacturer can provide various sizes of pyramid screens. There are many famous manufacturer of pyramid screens in China, such as Brightway, GN, Koson, XBSY and so on. Brightway pyramid shale shaker screen has typical mesh cloth that appears regular waves, and it can be mounted on suitable shaker by hookstripe, or wedge-shaped fastening device. It can provide various sizes of pyramid screens to serve the clients’demands.


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