Drilling fluid experts tell us: during solids control equipment working procedure ,usually refer to the use of a suitable slurry, a mixture of fresh water and mud must be consistent with the geological conditions of the material, not just water, due to the corresponding carrying capacity and baseboard performance water flowing state does not have,Read More
Category: Vertical Cutting Dryer
Vertical cutting dryer is a drilling equipment for drying cuttings from drilling mud system.
Vertical Cuttings Dryers are a necessity for cuttings discharge are prevalent
Vertical Cuttings Dryers are a necessity for specific industries where increased regulations on cuttings discharge are prevalent. Linear shakers experience more down time and maintenance cost and on average maintain a liquid content of 12% to 16%. A vertical cuttings dryer can reduce liquid content to approximately 5% and historically has less maintenance costs. AppearingRead More
Tthe introduction of Vertical Cuttings Dryer Made by Brightway

As our industry evolves, we are faced with increasing responsibility to protect the environment in which we operate.Brightway Concurrently, government agencies continue to increase pressure toward achieving these goals by placing stringent effluent limitations on the discharge of contaminated drill cuttings to the environment.Brightway To support the goals of both the industry and regulators, BrightwayRead More