In recent years, although domestic onshore oil and gas regions have devoted great efforts to management of waste generated in well drilling and well completion, the techniques still remain too inefficient to dispose waste thoroughly. Nowadays, domestic and foreign?drilling waste management?solutions differ greatly in technological solutions, supporting equipment and environmental investments. Most domestic oilfields haveRead More
Drilling operations want dry cuttings not only for environmental concerns, but also for economic reasons. Oil-based and synthetic-based drilling fluids are expensive and recycling for reuse is a prudent objective. Also, transportation and disposal of cuttings that still contain drilling fluids are more costly due to increased volume and weight. Options over the years forRead More
Two sets Cuttings Dryer System Delivered Destination
Today,Brighway two sets cuttings dryer system is delivered to customer of Jiangsu.the system will be match with screw conveyer and other mud system in oilfield and achieve drill cuttings drying. After installation of the equipment,Brightway technical staff give guidance for customer about maintenance considerations.then the cuttings dryer is tested and debugged successfully.Machine testing attracted manyRead More