Desilter is the third phase solids control equipment to treat the drilling fluids, and to improve the performance of drilling mud, which can be combined with desander. The most common cone is 4” or 5” , mainly to separate the solids in 15-47μm out from the drilling fluids. You can choose the quantity of hydro-cyclonesRead More
What is vacuum degasser and how it works
Vacuum degasse is utilized to remove O2, CO2 and N2 and is capable of producing water with part-per-billion levels of these dissolved gasses. This type of equipment is part of the final polishing stage of a water treatment process to produce ultra high purity water. VACUUM DEGASSERS SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGY Vacuum Degasification systems are custom designedRead More
The advantage of vacuum degassing systems made by Brightway
Where are degassing processes employed? In many industries the degassing of liquid, paste-like and moist products is one of the most important applications of modern vacuum technology. Gases, vapours and moisture are extracted under vacuum from the processed material, improving product quality. The degassing of plastics during extrusion is an example: vapourised moisture and gasesRead More